haiya....faint....so much thing to do in this world..yet so little time...love is important..but somehow i'm changing my direction...to admit i am really desperate in girlfriend...but somehow thinking back...is not really that kinda important to me for now...is time for me do things double!!!
helping out my dad at his workshop! can't realy do anything to help coz i know nothing much on fixing car...but at least i can spend much time with him...wee~~i love my dad..on the other hand, i'm training my body fittness to the top form!! oyea...nothing better than a good old sweat and to release yourselves trough it...hmmm..but somehow always been misunderstood that when i am training, i feel like punching people...hey...no lah....i am like that...just saving energy mah...less talk doesn't mean i am very angry and need to release myself...just feel tired after training also, need time to calm myself...haha^^v
anyway...i seems to inherited some of my father acts, without conincedencely...haha, friendly, sporting, workaholic, and flirty...muahaha, i din really know it until recently work with my dad...wee~~~he just so funny adn cute...realy love my dad...buahaha^^
hmmm...talking about workaholic...why some people choose to be like that...can't they stop?? won't they even't stop for a while? they work so hard for what?? here's some of the reason that i figure it out...
1) for their family, cause need to support them on studying and daily expences...
2) getting rid of others non important feelings such as hate, love, unsettled feelings( u know what
i meant)
parents work so hard just to gain some money, to raise their child well enough, giving them a good education which they don't have the chance before, until they don't have enough time to eat well..but some became workaholic just to forgot something which they don't like to remember. old memories, hatred to another cause they want to forgive them or just think as never happen before, stupid memories that will only cause nightmare all the time..frustation which just had been scold by their upper level....or just to release some steam without disturbing the others feeling..
i can't really say that will be agree by others cause is only my feeling on becoming a workaholic, and seing things through my fathers eyes...any coment can write to me...
how bout ur previous ms K tat u like her so much???
give up d?
hmmm...im not sure...she still is my kinda choice...but i learn that love cannot be force...love is not selfish, but to know each other more...a relationship that only exist misunderstand will only make both party suffer...i still got like her...but somehow i take things to rush, and make so much mistake...
there is so many meaning to love...somehow one of it state that 'letting go make us grow'
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