huhh....since when i relax so much....wake up at 10am...crawl my lazy leg and climb outta bed...gosh....i finally get a goodnight sleep after all those things that happen to me...what are those?? those are called stress......i've been running here and there, IEC to confirm my updates on SWINBURNE SARAWAK, thanks God that i finally got a direct entry without taking intence english class for another few weeks, that's mean i get an entry to their foundation(engineering and science)..after that i'll try my best on getting as much A's as posible to get scholarship to the degree(robotics and mechatronics/computer software) is a double degree...[may God help and bless me on my future]...
i regret on not able going to take the insurance licence that i wanted so badly...but it seems like is a no for me since i'll be flying to Kuching on August 5, but the exam is on the 10th...such regret, and so sorry that i've troubled that person so much...i've shock to heard that (hope my license will not be hanged) will that be true??/ can someone explaine to me what will happen next, please?? i done like guessing game and people hiding their problem that got concern about me...i might not be able to solve that problem eventualy but at least i get to know what is happening...only cause i care about you.....
the song is really what i wanted to presented to you...but done think as an aspect still in love with you and still wanted to chase you, but as a cheerful way to wake you up, ( others too may take this as a lesson too) i mean, the world is just so big, there is so many things can be done, and there is so many people out there that is care for you...i might not be the only one that care for you, there is some others that doesn't got the chance to be with you, but they chose to listen you when you needed them, they don't need any repay, they only wanna know how are you been doing lately...are you ok, how are you, can i hear of just that simple...just curious....why don't give them a chance, why don't give yourself a chance, set yourself free...God destine our destiny, but we are the one who chose our not always what we wanted, why think of others while you have no more chance to enjoy your need to slow down girl, slow down. stop your pace and listen to the wind, enjoy your life on what you have now, complaine can be make, that's what make things perfect! but get satisfied on what we have, cause others out there is not that lucky as what we have....
working is like crazy for me as i need to have my own money in a good way of course..i can sometimes forgot myself when i work too hard, don't wanna eat just to finish the task...oh, by the way i work with my dad and as a mechanic, to gain exprience any way...i too get paid^^ but only a little, but i'm satisfied..well don't think wrong, i done get any special offer as other don't, cause i choose it...haha^^ it will be worthless if it works that way right?? i not that trust worthy?? after all these years that we been said you know me, but do you really do?? i get myself really upset when you said me like that, do you know?? nah...wont think of that you will..i don't wanna write more on this part, cause this will only tear us apart...i don't wish too cause i treat u as my brother, but i too wish you to see and learn more, so that you could many criticism onwards never knew, or do you care....punch me or kick me as you want, cause i wanted you so brother...........
sumary, sadness in love, dissapointed in friends, working too hard, settle for school's, family arguement...anymore??? hmm...sounds little, but it meant a lot to me...i never got a good night sleep for 2 weeks more...
anyway, i really got a chance to relax myself, thanks to God..he plan me up today, slept for 10 hours, mom's go out, but i don't know, quietness in my home, waoh...such relax without any sound, but only jazz coming too my ear as i tune into astro, then i cook my own breakfast ft. lunch, wakaka^^ played my PS2 the whole afternoon, later the best part, going to likas jogging alone, i enjoy this the most, as no one accompany me, well, i don't think this is alone anyway, is fun cause i really enjoy jogging today only with my handphone with songs played, incrediblely enjoy...get myslef sweat a lot, i mean a lot, haha^^ almost dehydrated. the final 5th laps, i stop, park myslef on the green carpet, boom!!! i slept on it...gosh, the sun shining before me, lake in front of me, breeze on worm-cold blewd on my whole body, and the freshness of the grass...huh...almost felt a sleep...i get up, pat myslef, go on to yo-yo at damai, by some drink to treat myself as today is a good day^^ drive myself to the petrol station and pump the tyres, since my mom said something wrong with it...(she don't know how to check..she's lazy) wakakakak^^ continue, when back home as no car is following behind me!! wow!! like i owned the road, so fun!! ate dinner, watch tv, and now writing this blog...slow day?? is enjoyable........
see, the world will not slow down for us and let us do what we want, we are the one that create these kinds of opportunity to let ourselves relax..clocks will keeps on ticking. choose a day, let God give you an offer of a day, sleep to your desire, and follow the flow and do things that you haven't been enjoyed for a long time..and there goes another day...that what life about. it doesn't have to concern about another people or parties, why don't just you and your car, drive along the road and see how others busy on their life, while you yourselves will laugh at them( so stupid to be a busy day for them)... i repeat, IT DOESN'T HAVE TO COCERN ABOUT ANOTHER PEOPLE, JUST HAVE YOURSELVES ALONE FOR A DAY!! you found out that the world is amazing and beautiful even in the worst situation is happening.....
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