huuh....(a sigh)...crazy...went to played basketball yesterday night at 8pm till 9.30pm, it's fun when u try to release yourselves when you are frustrated or stress, there always someone there u might meet to have a conversation with you...(thanks Anil) but then he abandon me and join the other team compete basketball...hais, left me alone being bullied by 2 beautiful chicks playing basketball together^^ wakaka^^ Vicky and Emily, haha^^ nice girl. anyway, i have i fun moment releasing myself during sport..want to know what am i frustrating about, but I'm not telling..haha:) secret...
Such weird,
'i don't dare to promise you anymore'
...familiar with this phrase?? I've never thought of hearing this phrase anymore, but it appear suddenly today from someone very cute, haha^^ the last time i heard this was during my high school period, ya, one of those youth story again, probably some have been trough this was sad to hear it, but it get worst when things gone bad with this phrase. To be honest, is not good to break promise, unless is something urgent happened, then consider yourselves excluded...
I too break my promise sometime, everyone do it without notice, well I'm not saying that i mind it so much, please..seriously i don't..don't take it as i minded it too much...ok?? I'm ok with it..
hmm..just that somehow the story that i wrote on my life tablet, i craved it to hardly, that's maybe the reason somehow this memory have been flick on again....but i move on my life with's part of my story, it too worth as my own personal experience. i grow more..again not promoting myself.
not sure on why i wrote this blog..haha^^ I'm done now
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