Sunday, November 15, 2009

is call wondering, not emoing....

well.....another month more it'll be official to be single for 2 years...hmm....i really starting to wonder that how is it like to behaving a girl...sort of like forgotten the taste of it....

ok be 1st to say bout' this that, im not being emo or trying to get some just trying to share some of my feeling...

1st of all i have to congrats my 2 friend, that they had been excepted by their girlfriend and now being under relationship. God bless and Guard them under this status. it loving or to be love better?? is caring is some kind of pressure to someone? patient or to hurry up? courage or to humble?

there is to many competition out there, not that i have a very low self esteem, but is better to not compete...i really don't like it, i'd finally realize that, fate will come if they want to, there's no need to rush on it. trying to make yourself look good on something that is not yourself is self discriminating. you'll end up destroying yourself, piece by piece, and eventually forgot who you are before.

it is very miserable to live under such an emotional feeling everyday. is not really worth it if such hard work is given and no receive. well, not saying is bad, but good try anyway, at least you yourself had given a try for it, let past be past, new one won't come if you keep on staying on the same position.

one does not see your effort, but the others does. it's sort of like a karma.
hmmm...not sure what am i gonna do next on her. after final wont be able to see her cause can't even have the opportunity to be with her in the same class...cause i got exemption from MPW subject..XD

huuh...i think im gonna revealed who she is...well not here of course...XD


Anonymous said...
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pikkom815 said... not!!! dn simply

pikkom815 said... not her lah....she's only a a sister somehow...yo this is public!!! dn simply put someone name!! i'l be scold!!!

Anonymous said...

who's ur nxt victim ?

Anonymous said...

I wonder who you are Mr/Ms Anonymous!

pikkom815 said...

everyone here so not revealling XD...beside......hmmm...nothing lah

Anonymous said...

I'm not mentioning bout u captain..i mean Ms/Mr Anonymous!

pikkom815 said...

so blur time set u guys a name....easy to recognise....a nickname of coz.