Sunday, September 13, 2009

whao....thanks for my fans...i need it

o whao...didn't notice i still have some fans...well either good or bad coment that u guys gonna post, im really thank about that...

for not those kinda of person that will make so much trust to others..i always make doubt's on how people tought about me, trying to know what are they think about as i think of it, just better ignore on those feeling, and better keep myself stay happy and entertain people as much as i can.

well for as much as i know that sometimes make funny and cold jokes, i can't put a good joke if i'm saying in english..haha^^ anyway, i always try to make people have fun around me..i like it a lot, cause if i can't accomplish that, i'll satr to think of is that particular person, or those guys are thinking of i am very annoying...

i'm a person that need some attention sometime....okay is a lot...sorry. i do need some attention sometime, thats why i wrote this blog, well as to let people know who i am from here instead of saying out load.....ya im a freak...huuuh...i know that people opinion is different, some might thing is a good thing to express out, but most of them if after read, i believe is the other way round, please believe me cause is true. people that know me, or whoever that read this blog but doesn't know me much, they'll have a different eye aiming at me when they saw me the next time...well, just have to acept it, cause that human nature, you can't expect them to spend time ti understand who you are from the deep down and give compasion that you want, right?

well, what to say, that's the way God have created us, not all are perfect, infact, there's no one that is perfect enough then God. that's the way he work, that's what make this world so wonderful, don't you agree?? if all are perfect and no arguing on ideas, who's gonna improve our life. no competition, no improvement.

well...kinda boring week this week is. dunno what to do, just finish my test have a bad enough result...huuh, just have to study more these few weeks as phisic is coming on the 26. my GOD...

damn. im not sure on what is going with me, there's some mix feeling on me, but for real i had given up from the very first, i might be lying now as no one can see the truth. im not gonna say cause is a sin too me...maybe not now...wanna hint..(HERO)

people keep on saying, but the truth that i've change on what i want. able to guess?? i repeat, is not that im being unloyalty, but i had given up the first on the 1st place......understand what i mean?? im really sorry. i only want to have more warm. and i found it somewhere else.

can say and see the end result is bad and trust me, IT IS!!

well, all i can say that really sorry, but the fact that i had start to like you and it's been a while. you might have notice, but you still neglet it, or maybe, im not sure will u read or not my blog, but i make it official here, i do like you...

p.s im not ready to face the coment cause i know it's gonna be bad...but pls understand what do i feel before comenting. it does well in more explaning..i dun wanna coment who is she. i can only tell privately.


Mystery R... said...

Wow duyung, you do have big guts to confess your love.... Good luck with that.. :)

pikkom815 said...

dhoi...mystery R...haha, i know u...haha, thx anyway...

Anonymous said...

Whao~ Nice... is that your school mate?

pikkom815 said...

yup...she is...but different course

Anonymous said...

She likes you too. Get her mate. Don't ever let go.

pikkom815 said...

how do you know that she like's me?? i never told her anything about it.....huuh....