Tuesday, June 9, 2009

go ahead and laugh...haha^^

hmmm...haha...i really sound disgusting eh...haha, din really thought that i would write such gross word that day...haha..eui...

haha, mind about lah...i'm fine of being laugh anyway....check my status before i got a chance to become a clown..weee~~~~ can bring people to the croud..haha^^ my specialty...
is not that easy to be a clown oso d leh....have to tahan yourselves on excepting the fact that your gonna be doing stupid act and people laugh at your foolishness..haha^^ but it seems fine with me..haha^^
hmm...think is i wrote that feeling down...as to make u guys feel disgusting for a while lah...haha^^ i really don't mind..wee~~

huh...well practicly i have girlfriend before...but it doesn't seems realy to me....wanna know the reason, wakaka...im not gonna write here...find me at my msn lah (jasonthien654@hotmail.com)

laugh is good for health!!


THe Emiciated said...

Honestly, it's pretty funny for your previous post..."Angel lips, and the hair smells good"...HAHAHA :P

pikkom815 said...

well...at least is a thing that i've been through...nothing to be shy of actualy...haha^^
as a memory lah